Homeless people complete service in severe weather and are paid service fees to

a) to enable them to afford services which alleviate from cold

b) to recompense for service provided

This service provision is then utilised

  • in science

  • in social conscience, in society's weaving

  • Their findings are also utilised during expeditions to cold weather terrains as well as in animal husbandry.





Those completing expeditions are guided to keep everything a secret, share nothing to the media, not even to science. It is their experience and they are to keep it for themselves.

Expediters' science is in money as is their service - this differs to homeless severe whether service. In expeditions things are dependant upon how much monies were paid for the expediter for the expedition.

Nothing prepares them for their cold weather expeditions, the only information available is in behavioural science and how to be in the cold is homeless people's experiences, service provisions availed to all as well as tactics form the animal world - which are incorporated in homeless findings , as previous expeditor's findings are kept secret.

people in cold

People behave differently in cold. Their bodies are working towards preservation of energy and they keep themselves warm in different ways. One is obviously being wrapped up but there are other tactics of the human body that which homeless people are learning and automatically sharing as their lived experience.

How to transfer heart warmth and and how to keep skin cold protected are areas of science about which there is very little recorded. At the same time, these are immense subject areas, whole fields of scientific study of the human body.

As well as body science there is great amounts of effort utilising miraculous elements of other science including the use of various algorithms that has gone into understanding and then into applying to a vulnerable social structure of rank and class a system that respects therefore protects warm hearts in the cold, which essentially heat the street-homeless bodies.

This requires immense amounts of love within the group of homeless in the given city.

for this reason homeless people are associated with ultimate benevolence

we are homeless in bristol

This information is then utilised by other areas of science

Animals also provide cold weather service and freeze death service to the world it is just that they cannot talk and tell us of their summary of freeze death service.

Not being able to communicate their findings to us does not mean they have not completed the service

You can find and even rely and depend upon their in findings and experiences of cold weather. They know they can do this and they also understand they complete service to the universe at large

animals in the cold

A cow may melt the snow around him with his body heat. a cow is able to generate enough body heat to melt the snow around his or her body.

They send warmth /love /warmth of love to each other.

.From one heart to another in the process they keep their own bodies as well a the thin air bubble around them warm enough to Melt the snow

They can only do this by loving one another that much their hearts generate heat.

That requires deep deep love that does not judge and requires they are inclusive and non judgemental of ALL their mates too.

We have created a website to share secrets of the cold with homeless people

Head over to :


recognition of service completion

It is offensive to tell them they don't know they complete service in cold weather or go as far as stating they don't know it is cold or it is night time

very offensive

and it that is what St Mungo's - homeless charity in Bristol - does.

Homeless people are devised protective cloth, protective ways of vulnerable care in high heavens.

These are similar to care of the elderly and the frail and or of children or the injured. Homeless protection from heavens is absolutely superb, some might say divine in nature and includes miraculous tricks of the body as well as social conscience algorithms and more.

Nobody in their right mind wishes to interfere with these and more so nobody in their right mind wishes to steal these from those it belongs with. But our main charity St Mungo's do just exactly that. !!! Horrific!!!

Homeless people get sent service fees / service payments for the service they complete in severe whether - which they know they complete. And St Mungo's misappropriate these funds leaving homeless not only COLD in harshest conditions but BAFFLED

beyond the understanding of any of you - in support of this - as to how their fellow citizens come to deny their service completion and fees associated with it.

How those who proclaim are caring for their vulnerability of homelessness then take what belongs with them whether that is protective cloth

or funds

is beyond most of us

that is however SACRILIGOUS

It is religiously sacrilegious to steal from benevolent funds you are purporting to look after especially if it is to cover and make the difference of a matter of life and death.

In fact those who steal from homeless become EUNUCHS. AS well, those who have the audacity to believe they may deal your affairs of benevolence - which the whole of English homelessness is - on your behalf, also loose their male rank and become eunuchs.


To explain what one of those is we created a website exploring the coming about of an eunuch in different eras and social structures and you can find it by simply scanning the qr code link to the webpage:


donate generously

allow some grace

for these hugely benevolent people in winter colds

to decide for themselves

what their service fees for cold service are spent on

to be paid for their services despite their funds being misappropriated by those who claim to look after them


forgive their neediness to turn to public funds for they cannot retrieve their own - you can help them do so ....

... also enjoy our colour booklet - Homeless in Bristol - full of interesting information on

visit our websites