Comprehensive Services Animals Offer

Dedicated to understanding service animals complete throughout their journeys, celebrating their unique traits, strengths, and social behaviors.

polar bear on snow covered ground during daytime
polar bear on snow covered ground during daytime

Animals offer a comprehensive list of services to their own specie ranging from running speed, strength, acquisition of food as well as behavioural sciences

six leopard cubs lying beside tree
six leopard cubs lying beside tree
Speed Service

completing service on speed might vary from defining then disseminating the information about running fast

what aids the cheetah running faster and what slows his speed.

an obvious one to an ordinary human would be: an empty stomach aids the cheetah's speed and a full stomach will slow him.

This information will be passed down form generation to generation and those born lucky to have father's assistance will be groomed on the available information on speed to individual cheetahs .

This is too obvious but essentially every generation of the cheetah adds to this service about collating and passing down knowledge about running faster

Comprehensive Services Animals offer to their specie

animals in the cold

animals also provide cold weather service and freeze death service.

it is just that they cannot talk and tell us of their summary of freeze death service

not being able to communicate their findings to us does not mean they have not completed the service. They are apt at communicating their findings to each other.

you can find and even rely and depend upon their findings and experiences

...melting the snow

where this cow has been lying is now a molten patch

A cow may melt the snow with his body heat

a cow is able to generate enough body heat to melt the snow around his or her body as you can tell on this picture a few inches around the cow are molten

they send warmth /love /warmth of love

from one heart to another in the process they keep their own bodies as well a the thin air bubble around them warm enough to Melt the snow

they can only do this by loving one another in a great way

Sheep melt snow too

We can learn form sheep also about how to keep warm in freezing temperatures.

They have amazing tactics of keeping each other warm in below zero temperatures

Our Mission

We believe in caring for those in need, just as sheep are kept in a flock. Together, we can make a difference this winter.

Animal Insights

it is wonderful to have animal insights in one's life and homeless people have lots of animal insights . It is a wonderful life

black and white eagle flying
black and white eagle flying
post-molt Grammostola pulchripes stretching on web
post-molt Grammostola pulchripes stretching on web
a black pig walking through a field of yellow flowers
a black pig walking through a field of yellow flowers
turtle swimming on body of water

The insights on animal behavior were enlightening and truly enhanced my understanding of their unique strengths.

Alex M.

a view of a field from a window
a view of a field from a window
flock of grey and black bird
flock of grey and black bird
